Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Viewer Discretion Advised

I have this kind of " rule" I guess you would call it that I don't watch anything on TV that I could not watch with my kids, even after they go to bed at 8:00 pm. This "rule" of mine pretty much eliminates 99.7% of whats on. Last night while flipping through the channels, I must confess I broke my own rule.( And no, it was not the new Levi 501 Buttonfly ad. )

I have posted the link, I think, to get to the clip from the show, the Colbert Report on Comedy Central. It is called Better Know a Lobbyist : Atheist and is an interview with a leader from the Secular Coalition. I will warn you now, it has very raw humor that some might find offensive, but I find the point behind it to be very well made.

1 comment:

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Um I live about 2 miles from Jefferson Pointe!!!!! So if you're ever in ft Wayne doing some shopping you should call me and I'll meet up with you!

Denise :)