Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Nazarene Abstinence Program

I wrote a curriculum a few years ago for an abstinence plus program. Part of the project was to come up with practical suggestions for teens to deter them from having sex. Had this product been available then, it would have for sure been at the top of the list. Maybe this snuggie could be a requirement for all lock-ins and crazy nights.

Snuggie Commercial

The link takes a few seconds, but then you have to watch the video of the commercial. My favorite part is when the family is outside at a sporting event. Priceless!!


Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

ugg...I teach teenagers...and actually a lot of them attend church and would probably profess to be christians...but let me just describe a scene from today's classroom.

Boy: sitting on desk
Girl: standing super close to him in between his legs

I want so bad to ask her youth pastor what he is teaching them...I mean seriously do they not see what is wrong with this?

Sorry to vent...your post just happened to be about something that is really bothering me lately...

Keith said...

Hilarious. I
t is like a hospital gown for the Pope.