Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Stream of Thoughts...

I try to write for at least 5 minutes every night. Sometimes it is deep, heartfelt, therapeutic. Other times, not so much. Last night was one of the latter times. Here was what popped into my head over that 5 minutes. This is how my mind works all day, it is amazing that I ever get anything done..

Monday, June 22nd

Busy day, got lots of stuff done for Luke's party...I forgot to invite Krista and Troy, I better face book her tomorrow..Still need to get a pinata or Luke will have a coronary...Luke, Isaak and a huge stick might be my worst nightmare...
Forgot to get Ike's goggles from Mamaw's house...I need to put that on my list before I go to bed...I also need to make a grocery list for VBS...
Don't forget to talk to Ricia, Robyn and Janice to get their lists.
Call Keith tomorrow about t shirts...I also need to call Troy about the picture...I can't believe I forgot to call Cheri Tague today... I have to call and check on her tomorrow, I hope she is doing better...I should call Holly too...uhg...maybe not...I love this song...I should get this cd, if I don't already have it...it might be on 18 Kids...need to check on that...I think I missed Jon and Kate plus 8...How does thread get to school..a spool bus...I think that was Ike's joke...I don't think he got it...Oh, I love this song even more...there is no way that is Gene Simmons...Who is that singing...I need to google that...I danced to this song at a Christmas dance in high school...OMG, I can't believe he is gay...That makes 4 guys that I dated that are now gay...That could be a really good sign or a really bad one...I wonder what his boyfriend looks like...I cant believe how bald he is...kind of funny...I bet he is...nevermind....ick...Has it been 5 minutes yet...I think I am missing Run's House...I wonder if Brett knows it is on...I think he does...Gotta go to the bank tomorrow before I lose that check...again...I hope my bank girl is there...kind of creepy how much I love to see her...someone might read that in a few years and think I was a crazy stalker...but i do love her...I wonder what her name is...prolly something cute like Claire or Kristen...hope it is not Mary or Judy...that would totally ruin my obsession with her...too funny...4 minutes and 30 seconds is long enough!

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