Tuesday, August 19, 2008

An Answer to Prayer

Just wanted to update everyone on Luke. We went to the neurologist on Monday and he was really pleased with the results of all of his blood work and his latest MRI. He seemed extremely positive and his thought is that Luke is getting better from a neurological standpoint and is hope full that the spot on his brain was from a virus and not MS. He will still have another MRI in 6-12 months to see if there has been any change to his brain, but for now he believes that his problems might not be neurologically based. This news was a huge blessing, BUT..........

There always seems to be a "but". Our prayer now is what is wrong with him. He is in a lot of pain, particularly his fingers and legs. He will just roll around on the floor whimpering that his legs hurt. He is also very tired all of the time. He can spend hours just sitting in his room, seeming not even to have the energy to get up and play. Our next stop is to a pediatric rheumatologist at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. The question now is does he suffer from arthritis or another autoimmune disease that causes joint pain and weakness. Our pediatrician has faxed them his chart, MRI reports and blood work and we are waiting on them to call us with an appointment time.

Please just continue to keep Luke in your prayers. It is so hard not being able to "fix" him. When someone that you love more than yourself is in pain, sitting back and waiting for answers is excruciating. I know that God is teaching me patience and to trust not only in Him, but in His perfect timing.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hey Heather-I found your blog from Keith's and wanted to let you know that we are keeping you all in our prayers. My mother's heart breaks for you. I know this cannot be easy, though you make it look like a breeze. It was good talking to you Wednesday. I hope you got all of the stuff you need to continue your tournament ;)