Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbors......

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors.... recycling award?

As I was pulling into our court last Friday morning I saw a sign in our neighbor's yard that says " A Recycling Champion Lives Here". Well, if he got one then I was sure there would be one in our yard, probably even a bigger one with flashing lights, solar powered of course.

As you can probably guess, no sign. Nothing but 4, yes I said 4, empty blue recycling bins. We recycle everything! Not one thing is allowed to be put in the trash can that does not get checked for it's recycleablity ( is that a word?). We take our responsibility to our planet very seriously and are proud to be "green". However this time we are green with envy.

I am still holding out hope that they are saving the really big signs for Monday, when the Mayor himself can deliver them along with a ticker tape parade of biodegradable paper, but we will see. I am trying to be a big girl about this, but there is that ever so slight desire to put the empty toilet paper roll in the regular trash just for spite.