Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I realize that I have been a huge "Debbie Downer" lately and I am really trying to cheer up and see the glass as half full. In light of my recent epiphany, I have chosen to share only positives today. Here we go....

I got my hair cut on Sunday and was SuPeR excited about my new summer do! On my way to Indianapois on Monday morning I looked in the mirror to discover one chunk of hair hanging down that she had missed. I spent the rest of the morning at Riley with my head tilted to one side hoping it would distract anyone from the large section of hair that was hanging about one inch longer than the rest. On the positive side, at least it wasn't an inch shorter than the rest.

For the past several mornings I have heard a strange sound comming from outside near the laundry room. Turns out we have company. A lovely famiy of birds have taken up residency on our dryer vent. Plus side, until Brett takes care of it I don't have to do laundry.

I have worn the same Clinique makeup for the past 8 years. I have a winter shade and a summer shade and I always get the same thing. I went to get it on Sunday and turns out they no longer carry it. I saved $26.50.

I have not been sleeping well the last several nights. I keep waking up really early from strange dreams and then not being able to go back to sleep. Bright side is I can tell you exactly how many revolutions per minute the ceiling fan makes.

We are off to such a great start, I can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings!!!

1 comment:

Fool of God said...

First, great idea at trying to look at the positive side of life...even if only to add a little levity.

Second, know that we are still praying for you and your family. Mel and I moved before we got to know you and Brett real well, but we nonetheless miss the Sunday School banter.

Finally, I read your profile...you like Down Periscope? That is probably my favorite comedy ever made...

"Arrr, play me a dirge..."